Four Killers

How Did the U.S. End Up as the Unhealthiest Nation?

Here's how: The secrets to lasting weight loss and abundant energy have been hidden from Americans with a media blitz from the diet, weight loss and food industry using deceptive strategies designed to keep you craving for more and more of four foods turned "killers" when overdosing on.

A pair of researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health closely followed tens of thousands of people in two groups: a low-risk group using a powerful treatment and a high risk group not using this treatment.  The results were astounding with the low risk group cutting all cancer deaths by more than a half.
The powerful four step treatment:
(1) Don’t smoke
(2) Drink no more than two drinks a day for men and one for women
(3) Maintain a healthy diet for a healthy body mass index
(4) Exercise 20 minutes a day

We’re careful not to take an overdose of prescription medication but have no idea of how much of a deadly overdose of four ingredients we’re consuming. Start reading labels – know what you’re putting in your mouth and begin to understand that “you are what you eat.”
Here’s the prescription for the four ingredients that can be part of good health. Statistics show that Americans are killing themselves by taking them over the prescribed limit and not eating better and more healthful foods.  
Sugar - 9 teaspoons a day, but Americans average 22.7 teaspoons.
Sodium - The FDA recommends that people over 51 should have no more than 1,500 mg (1/4 teaspoons) of sodium per day. The daily value percent on labels uses 2,380 mg of sodium as an upper limit. Therefore, for people over 51, should up that percent by 1.59. For example, when the label reads 50% daily value, multiply by 1.59 to get 80%.
Saturated Fat – No more than 12 grams per day for older adults, but Americans average 28 grams.

Flour from a super-carbohydrate wheat plant (not your grandfather’s wheat) stripped of the kernel's germ and bran (where the nutrients are) with preservatives, butter, salt, sugar and toxic ingredients added – has become one of the biggest contributors to weight gain and American’s poor health. Start eating sprouted grain breads or choose lettuce wraps instead of bread sandwiches. For your pasta noodles and spaghetti choose quinoa, buckwheat, sweet potato, or corn.

In invite you to read my website "Strong Slim Smart" which follows closely the eating habits of 21 countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. There’s also great information on reducing excessive stress and exercising; and what to eat, ways to eat, and when to eat.
Google Slim 1bob5” or

In Aug 2013 researchers at Columbia University said some eighteen per cent of Americans will die from obesity, far in excess of the previous estimates of five per cent. Report author Dr Ryan Masters said, “Obesity has dramatically worse health consequences than some recent reports have led us to believe.” And more shocking, two-thirds of Americans are either overweight or obese.  As a result nearly half the U.S. population has one or more chronic conditions, among them asthma, fatty liver disease, tooth decay (especially in children), type 2 diabetes, cancer, dementia, liver failure, and cardiovascular disease leading to heart attacks and strokes.  Thirty-two million Americans take drugs to reduce cholesterol levels and twenty-four million have type 2 diabetes with another seventy-nine million pre-diabetics. A number of recent studies show that what we’ve been eating is the most significant cause of our poor health. The New England Journal of Medicine in 2011 stated that the potato chip, loaded with sugar, fat and salt, tops the list of the many junk foods the processed food industry churns out to become woven into the fabric of American cuisine in snacks, recipes and sides at fast-food restaurants.  Like most junk foods potato chips cause a surge in blood glucose so we will crave more food, and Frito-Lay’s slogan, “Betcha Can’t Eat Just One,” brings to mind the “Song of the Siren,” that lure that presents horrifying consequences.  There can be no mistake, our pathetically poor eating habits, manipulated by the processed food industries’ single-minded pursuit of sales above consumer welfare, have caused our health care insurance to skyrocket to the point we spend more on health care services than any other country, exceeding $2.6 trillion (over $8,000 per person) annually. Even the poor starving North Koreans have a better diet than we do.

What is more appalling; the processed food industry spends vast sums lab-testing chemicals that are loaded into their processed foods to make them tasty and addicting, and those chemicals are in 80% of our packaged food. The list is simply nauseating - brominated vegetable oil, carnauba (car no ba) wax, petroleum based food coloring, synthetic growth hormones, sodium acid, arsenic, ammonia, mercury, glycerides, pyrophosphate, TBHQ, BHT, BHA, BPA, and EDTA; most of which are outlawed in other parts of the world.

Our debate over the Affordable Health Care law (ObamaCare) has taken our time and energies away from the real problem, and that problem starts with farm subsidies, a scandalous program receiving little media attention. It’s corporate welfare handed out shamelessly to the biggest and richest agribusinesses by our Congress at the beckoning of the powerful farm lobby. And even more shocking, a federal study found that more than 2,000 direct payments were made to recipients who grew nothing. Instead of a more equitable crop insurance subsidy plan and with fruit and vegetable farmers receiving less than one percent of all farm subsidies, Congress is foolishly spending billions of our tax dollars to subsidize the production and packaging of products that contribute to our growing rates of obesity and chronic disease such as corn, meat and dairy products. The results are healthy foods costing more than the poor-quality and dangerous foods like high fructose corn syrup made cheaper than sugar because of the government farm bill’s corn subsidy. As a result we have become the only industrialized country whose government has conspired with large profitable corporations, using our tax dollars, to hook us on cheap unhealthy food while at the same time trying to undue a healthcare law that is, however flawed, struggling to get us off this addiction with preventive health care, diet counseling, and enhanced food nutrition information and labeling at restaurants and grocery stores. In trying to kill ObamaCare, no wonder agribusinesses and the National Restaurant Association have joined with American doctors whose income is being reduced to be more in line with European doctors; particularly specialists who have been enjoying exorbitant profits. Further income loss will also be seen with fewer kickbacks from drug companies as wellness programs force doctors to switch to a healthy diet prescription to prevent heart attacks and strokes.

The processed food and beverage industries have won fight after fight in Congress during the last decade despite the overwhelming evidence their processed foods and sweet drinks are slowly poisoning an unwitting American population while these corporations are making fortunes. Fighting the creation of soft drink taxes, the American Beverage Association, the largest US trade organization for soft drink bottlers, has spent tens of millions lobbying Congress not to pass any sugary drink taxes and so far has won. Powerful companies like Coca-Cola run ads reassuring us that their products are good for us, but instead they should be a national scandal. The marketing practices of big corporations like Kraft General Foods, Nabisco, Kellogg, and Coca-Cola have taken a page right out of the tobacco industry that for decades hid the knowledge that cigarettes were killers. What is worse, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA), charged with safeguarding us from harmful foods, have joined the food industry as full partners in persuading us to eat more of the wrong foods. Even when government tries to impose health rules, it’s the most obese and unhealthy states that cry government “overregulation.” That would be Mississippi, the most obese, followed by Alabama, West Virginia, Tennessee, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, and weighing in at number 10 - Arkansas.  Anyone notice a pattern here? 

Food and beverage giants are outright liars in their advertisements or at best highly deceptive (especially to kids) as they buy up shelf space in supermarkets limiting available alternatives and force store owners to place their poisons front and center with luring large displays showing young and old their favorite heroes pushing this crap. Moms trust these public celebrities and worry more about their kids’ safe journey to school than the real dangers lurking in their kid’s school lunch bags, the likes of Kraft Foods Lunchables, Hershey’s S’mores, Kellogg's Pop-Tarts, Nestlé’s Hot Pockets, and Nabisco’s Oreo Fudge Sundae Crème Cookies.  The results, along with us adults, make the U.S. the unhealthiest nation in the world.

Now it’s time to meet the four killers our greedy packaged food and bottle companies have placed on our grocery store shelves. Keep in mind Columbia University’s Dr Ryan Masters Aug 2013 findings as the result of extensive research. The packaged and processed foods we’re eating today have horrific health consequences which keep on getting worse.

Added Sugar

Added sugars are present in processed or prepared foods. Natural sugars are those that occur naturally, such as the sugars present in milk and fruits. Foods high in added sugars are chocolates, ketchup, cookies, cakes, pies, soft drinks and sweet treats, all bad for our teeth. Not only these obvious foods, but then there is an overload of added sugars in foods we just wouldn’t suspect. They include salad dressing (especially the creamy kind), soups and sauces, breakfast smoothies, breakfast bars and yoghurts, bread, and alcohol. When you read the labels on foods in your supermarket, keep in mind that the grams of sugar listed on the nutrition information label includes natural sugars from fruit (fructose) and milk (lactose) as well as added sweeteners like refined sugar or high-fructose corn syrup. That’s why the grams of sugar per serving in Raisin Bran (or any cereal with raisins or other dried fruit) seem unexpectedly high. And just because there’s a nutrition-oriented statement on the package (like "contains whole grain," "excellent source of calcium," "fat-free," "100% juice" or "25% less sugar") doesn’t mean it doesn’t contain a shocking amount of sugar. And just because the brand name or product name sounds like it’s good for weight loss (Weight Watchers, Skinny Cow, etc.), don’t assume the food is lower in sugar.
Today, processed food is full of refined sugar having detrimental effects, making most Americans sugar addicts. The fructose in added sugar makes a beeline straight to your liver contributing to weight gain, elevated triglycerides, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and holes in the intestinal linings allowing nasty by-products to enter your bloodstream (hello heart attack – hello stroke). Fruit is an exception to the fructose rule. Naturally-occurring fructose in fruit is part of a complex web of nutrients and fiber not exhibiting the same biological effects as added sugars. Showing how the sugar industry holds influence over our government, the FDA has been forced to make NO recommendation at all about sugar, leaving that task for the American Heart Association who recommends a daily limit of 9 teaspoons (36 grams) of sugar per day – (one teaspoon of granulated sugar equals 4 grams of sugar).  The FDA in 2015 finally woke up to this food label omission and proposed its addition, but under pressure from the sugar industry that limit has been pushed to 50 grams per day. With a number of road blocks from the sugar industry, the FDA’s labeling requirement for recommend daily added sugar limit and the separation of natural and added sugars has been pushed to July 2016 and perhaps further.
The average American is consuming 22.7 teaspoons of sugar per day.  That recommended 9 teaspoons of sugar is easily exceeded by what many of us normally eat. For example, a 1/4-cup of catsup has 4 teaspoons of sugar, a glass of orange juice – 5 teaspoons, 8 ounces of low-fat fruit yogurt - 6 teaspoons, a Snickers bar - 7 teaspoons, a 3-1/2 oz serving Honey Nut Cheerios – 8 teaspoons, 12 oz coke - almost 10 teaspoons,  a 1/4-cup serving of pancake syrup - 10 teaspoons, and a 4 oz slice of chocolate cake with chocolate frosting has 13 teaspoons of sugar.. More shocking is the added sugar found in many hot flavored drinks according to the British Campaign Group Action on Sugar.  They found 12 teaspoons of sugar in a cup of Starbucks Mocha with Whipped Cream Venti (20 ounces). When you are consuming sugar in hot drinks, it’s easy to drink a large volume of liquid in a short time, and any sugar it contains is very rapidly absorbed into the body making a beeline straight to your liver.
Think Sugar is bad, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is killing us even faster as the U.S. is the highest consumer of HFCS. It’s found in almost all food and drink containing sweeteners, a substance sweeter than white table sugar with a higher percentage of fructose that results in significantly more weight gain. While regular table sugar (sucrose) is 50% fructose and 50% glucose, HFCS can contain up to 80% fructose and 20% glucose, almost twice the fructose of common table sugar. HFCS is always found in very poor-quality foods that are not only nutritionally empty but filled with all sorts of other disease promoting compounds such as fats, salt, chemicals, and even mercury.  The American consumer is naïve to this danger just as they were with cigarettes 30 years ago. Labels do state that the product contains HFCS, but how many shoppers bother to look?  The front label should show a skull and cross bones. Today a cigarette pack contains dire warnings, something that took 30 years. How many years will it take to warn Americans they are eating pure poison with HFCS?  By forgoing HFCS you could improve your health markedly.

The Foods with High Amounts of Hidden Sugar,”

“British Campaign Group Action On Sugar” -

 “Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity and Disease,” February 27, 2013 by Robert Lustig, MD,

Is High Fructose Corn Syrup Really That Bad for You

A Sweet Problem: Princeton Researchers Find that High-Fructose Corn Syrup Prompts Considerably more Weight Gain

High Fructose Corn Syrup Linked to Global Diabetes

Sugar and SaltBesides sugar, soft drinks contain salt and caffeine. The salt makes you thirstier and the caffeine, a mild diuretic, makes you urinate more. Soda has to contain a lot of sugar to mask the taste of the salt, and with added caffeine, people get hooked on soda, a brew that is slowly killing us.  The processed food and beverage industry claim no capability and put blame on the consumer, just as the tobacco industry for years did. So, even if you are not a regular soda drinker and you consume moderate amounts of packaged foods, you are most likely consuming an unhealthy amount of sugar, an overconsumption of calories wreaking havoc on your metabolic system.  The result has been a perfect storm, disastrously altering your biochemistry and driving your eating habits out of our control. About two-thirds of all HFCS and nearly half of sugar consumed in the United States are from soda and fruit drinks (that includes orange juice) that contain sugar or other sweeteners (mostly HFCS in the can). This higher consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) is the cause of metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes. Other countries use natural sugar, but why us?  It’s cheaper to make because of government subsidies for corn in the Farm Subsidy Bill. We normally don’t think of the killer in the can as we consume a daily average of 2.6 cans of sugary drinks. With so many Americans drinking themselves to death, and with the availability of soft drink vending machines everywhere, we are largely unaware of the grave consequences of this well hidden public health hazard. Will switching to diet drinks help? No! Aspartame, i.e., NutraSweet™ or Equal™, found in most diet soft drinks is not helping to make us thinner. Aspartame actually causes a craving for carbohydrates resulting in the opposite, and a growing number of professionals are seeing the consequences of using aspartame for even moderate consumption and have begun warning their clients to stay away from it.

"The Bitter Truth about Sugar" - Soda Companies’ Secret Business-Building Strategy—Soda Increases Thirst with Added Salt!

Salt - The Silent Killer

Salt is a mineral made up of 40 percent sodium and 60 percent chloride (1 gram of sodium is equal 2.5 grams of salt). Salt is essential to our life and we need at least 180 mg of sodium or 450 mg of salt per day, but given the wide chose of foods we have, sodium deficiency is nonexistent in America. Rather, it’s too much salt in our diet that’s killing us. The FDA recommends that people over 51 should have no more than 1,500 mg (1/4 teaspoons) of sodium (3,750 mg of salt or 1/3 teaspoons) per day, but the average American consumes 3,400 mg of sodium a day, over two times the recommended daily amount.  When we consume more salt than our kidneys can excrete, it starts to accumulate in our blood clogging arties. Our heart has to work harder to pump blood to a starving body and brain, eventually deteriorating our intellectual faculties (dementia) and, worse, causing hypertension (elevated blood pressure), a major risk factor for a heart attack and stroke, a condition one in four Americans has with the numbers climbing steadily. Further, increasing evidence suggests that the excessive sodium consumption contributes to gastro-esophageal (e-sof-a-geal) cancer, kidney disease, and loss of bone mass.

Not surprisingly, the Harvard School of Public Health researchers in March 2013 stated that too much salt is killing one in ten Americans, and we’re getting 65% of it from processed foods with runner up restaurants providing 25%. That leaves 5% coming from home cooking and 5% from table salt.  Here are some popular processed foods from corporate food giants just waiting to kill you at your local grocery store - one can (1-1/2 cups) "Progresso New England Clam Chowder Soup" with 1,865 mg of sodium, "Banquet Pot Pie for One" with 1,040 mg of sodium, "Celeste Cheese Pizza for One" with 1,020 mg of sodium, one can (1-1/2 cups) of "Campbell's Tomato Soup" with 1,000 mg of sodium, and one 12 oz. can of "V8 Juice" with 690 mg of sodium or one third the daily maximum. But there could be more sodium in processed foods than the label says. As an example of how deceptive the processed food industry is about sodium content, "Swanson's Hungry-Man Turkey Dinner" lists its sodium content at 1,600 mg, but adding up the nine separate ingredients on the side of the box, the sodium in this microwavable dish comes to 5,400 mg (three and a half times the recommended daily limit). There just couldn’t be a better way to help your heart attack along.

Other countries have sounded the alarm on the silent killer salt and have taken action. The British Food Standards Agency has set targets for sodium; and Finland’s efforts to address the highest rate of cardiovascular disease in the world paid off with an eighty percent decline in the number of deaths from strokes and heart disease as recorded in 2007 after a twenty-two year ambitious government sponsored education campaign on the dangers of salt which included warnings on food packages, just like our cigarette package warnings. And through all this our FDA has failed to follow suit with the cash rich processed food industry smothering out alarmed consumer groups by convincing most of us that an overreaching big government has no business telling us what we can and can’t eat. 


 For older adults the FDA recommends daily intake of saturated fat should be 12 or less grams and for trans fat no more than 2 grams per day, but the average American consumes 28 grams of saturated fat and 5.8 grams of trans fat per day, more than double the recommended daily limit.

 Foods rich in saturated fatty acids (single bond) include cheese, butter, whole milk, cream, eggs, red meat, chocolate, and many types of cooking oils. In the proper amount these fats serve as energy for the muscles, heart, and other organs - building blocks for cell membranes, but excess intake not used up for energy are converted into triglycerides and stored in the body as fat tissue. Fats stand in line next to sugary drinks as a major cause of the obesity epidemic. But worse, saturated fats raise blood cholesterol leading to coronary artery disease and type 2 diabetes.  Further, researchers have convincing evidence diets high in saturated fat increases the risk for breast, colorectal and lung cancers.

Cheese and beef are at the top of the saturated fat list with both made cheaper than anywhere else in the world thanks to the farm subsidy’s low prices for cattle grain feed. A four oz cut of cheese has between 15 to 26 grams of saturated fat, and a 6 oz cut of filet mignon has 20 grams. Then there’s that slice of 12 inch Pepperoni Pizza with 4.5 grams of saturated fat. With the average consumption of four pizza slices, that’s 18 grams, one and a half times the recommended daily limit.

While saturated fats are bad, trans fats are worse, if not the worst things for our hearts and cholesterol levels.  They do not exist in nature so we don’t have to worry about getting them in whole foods such as meats, vegetables, and fruits. It’s the breads, cookies, pastries, crackers, and processed and packaged foods we’ve got to look out for. One tablespoon of margarine has 2 grams of saturated fat per tablespoon (versus butter at 7 grams), but most margarines have 2 grams of trans fat per tablespoon (butter has none). Trans-fats are almost always in deep-fried foods which almost always contains partially hydrogenated fats, and any food made with partially hydrogenated oil contains trans-fats. Another unsuspecting place is in that bag of Pop-Secret Popcorn we all enjoy while watching TV which has 13.5 grams of trans fat. 

Whether it’s trans-fats or saturated fats, intake of more than we need raises cholesterol levels; clogs arteries; interferes with healthy healing fats (omega-3); and increases the risk of coronary heart disease, cancer, diabetes, low testosterone, and cell vitality. But not all fat is bad. Monounsaturated fatty acids (double bond), is the good kind of fat. Foods such as avocados, nuts, olives, and peanuts, high in monounsaturated fatty acids, are beneficial in lowering LDL cholesterol (the "bad" cholesterol) and lowering the risk of coronary heart disease. 


The above three foods, sugar, salt and fat require a reduction of consumption and can be dealt with more easily than the last food, flour, because it requires you to stop eating many of the foods on a restaurant's menu, not easy to do in a “cake, biscuit, buns, and pizza” world. In addition, flour-based foods most often come with tasty additions of butter, salt, and sugar. Today’s wheat is one of the biggest contributors to weight gain and is dangerous to your health. It is a distant ancestor of the real wheat that our forebears ate. Over the years wheat has been genetically modified in order for American farmers to produce a high-yield crop that has resulted in a super-carbohydrate wheat plant. Consequently it is far less healthy than its predecessor and is now one of the most pro-inflammatory foods. With so little food value to start with, wheat is stripped of the kernel's germ and bran (where the nutrients are) with preservatives and toxic ingredients added in. Then to bleach flour chemicals are used that produce alloxan, a toxic glucose analogue which selectively destroys insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. These chemicals are banned in Europe and Australia. They use fava bean flour and soy flour to fast forward the gluten development and whiten flour. It gets worst.  All wheat (including whole wheat and sprouted germinate whole grains) contains a very unusual type of carbohydrate (not found in other foods) called mylopectin-A, which has been found in tests to spike blood sugar higher than even pure table sugar.   What Americans end up with is a product that is causing dementia, ADHD, anxiety, chronic headaches, depression, and much more. If you insist on eating wheat, make it sprouted breads, the lest of the three flour evils (white flour, whole wheat flour and sprouted germinate whole grains). This is hard to do if you love Italian food, but not impossible. Choose lettuce wraps instead of bread sandwiches, and for your pasta choose….   


Let’s just call our diets “heart attack hell.”  The processed and packaged foods we’ve been eating has got us hooked and quitting is like any addiction, but perhaps harder because these poisons in our foods are passed off as just part of the American experience with backyard BBQ’s, weddings, and social events; all centered around killer foods.  

If we can only wake up to the fact that our diets are now more dangerous to our well being than any threat from abroad, we may begin to realize the dire consequences. Not only is the American diet making us sicker, but it is robbing our brainpower and vigor. Rampant lead poisoning may have helped in the downfall of Rome, and there may be a similar story with us, but not for lead but for the food we eat.

To ask us to turn away from white flour; soda pop; and processed, packaged, canned, and fried foods is not easy, but when they make us sick, we need to not only pray for healing, but for strength to stop poisoning our bodies again. God created us in His own image, giving us beautiful “Temples” to gaze upon all that is.  With whatever imperfection He bestowed upon us at birth, we have an obligation to ourselves and to God to purify our souls and bodies to the best of our abilities, doing on earth as it is in heaven.

A Plan for Life

Many Americans have gone through several diets just to gain it all back. The best one has been endorsed by the New England Journal of Medicine. On February 25, 2013, they published startling findings noting a Mediterranean diet reduced heart attacks, strokes and deaths from heart disease by 30%. The Mediterranean diet doesn’t really require dieting or starving, just a change in what we eat - see the Mediterranean Diet List -

However, many Americans are not fish, fruit, nut, and vegetable people. But, as I have pointed out, anyone can lose weight and be healthy without dieting just by staying under daily recommended limits of sugar (9 teaspoons or 43 grams), sodium (1/4 teaspoon or 1.5 grams), and fat (2.4 teaspoons or 12 grams); and switching as much as possible to whole grain breads. Set up your own food plan that stays within these limits. To help, there is a web site that counts fat, sugar and sodium in foods you select - see Also to discover healthy foods, browse Fooducate's extensive database to find the healthiest foods. A huge list includes most store brands. You should be eating only foods rated “B-” or better - see For example, if you’re sending your kids to school with Kraft Food’s “Lunchables,” Fooducate rates it with a D-, or in other words, “pure poison.”  We read the labels, contracts and warranty information for most of what we purchase, everything except for the foods we eat.

Another, and perhaps better and easier way to turn your eating habits around is to review my food plan that follows the Mediterranean diet closely. This is not a diet plan. Rather, it’s a lifelong plan that allows you to eat sensibly while cutting down on the four killers (salt, sugar, fat and white flour). This is no vegan diet since wholesome lean beef, fish, turkey and lamb are in my plan. I started this plan in January 2013, and have lost 30 pounds (200 to 170), never felt better in my life, have gotten stronger and improved my brain. Best of all I have not had to starve or cut down on snacks. Just Google STRONG SLIM SMART.

p.s. If you sign on to my “Strong, Slim, and Smart” food plan, let me know how it’s working out for you. Bob Perrine


Eighty Percent of US Packaged Foods May Contain Dangerous Chemicals,” June 21, 2013 -
Study: Farm Bill Contributing to America’s Obesity Crisis,” July 26, 2012
Health vs. Pork: Congress Debates the Farm Bill -     
How Washington Went Soft on Childhood Obesity,” Apr 27, 2012 -  
"Top 10 Fat States: Where Obesity Rates Are Highest,” -
Soda Tax,” -
One in Five Americans Now Dies from Obesity,” Aug 15, 2013 -  
Lunchables Uncovered,”
Cheese Breakdown,” -
 Salt Sugar Fat - How the Food Giants Hooked Us,” by Michael Moss, Feb 2013   
Five Reasons Why HFCS Will Kill You” -
Aspartame” -  
Soda Kills 180,000 People a Year,” -
“Sugar: Learn Why We Crave It And The Connection Between Good Nutrition and a Healthy Recovery,” July 21, 2013 -  
How Much Sugar Is In Your Food?” 07 July 7, 2013 -  
New Study Indicates that Reducing Salt Intake Could Save 100,000 U.S. Lives Per Year,” April 05, 2013 -   
Salt: The Silent Killer,” 2013
High Blood Pressure Increasing in Children, Salt, the Culprit,” July 15, 2013 -

One in Ten U.S. Deaths Blamed on Salt,” Mar 21, 2013 -
“What the Food Labels Don't Tell You” -
 Trans Fat,”
Rice Bran Oil - The World's Healthiest Oil 
Heart Healthy Diet - Fat & Cholesterol
The Little-Known Secrets about Bleached Flour,” March 26, 2009
White Flour Contains Diabetes-Causing Contaminant Alloxan
"Is White Flour Killing Us?”
All About Bread: Whole Wheat, Whole Grain, and Sprouted

Is Whole Wheat Pasta Healthier?  
Sprouted Grain" Breads: the Facts
The True Cost of ObamaCare Health Care Reform,” 
Farm Subsidies: A Welfare Program for Agribusiness,” August 10, 2013

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