Strong, Slim, and Smart

My food plan follows closely the eating habits of 21 countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. Billed as a lifelong heart-healthy life style cuisine, these people eat fresh fruits and vegetables with emphasis on seafood, poultry, lamb, oats and beans. Grilling and boiling are the primary methods for cooking with spices for seasoning instead of salt. Their drinks of choice are coffee and red wine. Most of these foods are not only healthy choices but promote weight loss and blunt brain breakdown. Enjoy my added selections or review other good solid choices in the list on the following websites:
Mediterranean Diet is Still the Best Diet of Them All 
Recipes to Complete the “Strong, Slim & Smart” Food Plan,”
Eat This Not That is an eye-opening list of foods you might enjoy and think are ok but are actually a surefire way to high blood pressure, diabetes (type 2), heart disease, stroke, gallbladder disease and various types of cancer. Each one of these unhealthy foods lists one or more heart healthy delicious alternatives. 100 Unhealthiest Foods on the Planet

The Powerful Treatment that Cuts all Cancer Deaths by More Than A Half.
A pair of researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital and the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health closely followed tens of thousands of people in two groups: a low-risk group using a powerful treatment and a high risk group not using this treatment.  The results were astounding with the low risk group cutting all cancer deaths by more than a half.
The powerful four step treatment:
(1) Don’t smoke
(2) Drink no more than two drinks a day for men and one for women
(3) Maintain a healthy diet for a healthy body mass index
(4) Exercise 20 minutes a day
Somehow the U.S. has ended up as the unhealthiest nation on earth facilitated by the diet, weight loss and processed food’s deceptive strategies designed to facilitate a deadly overdose of four ingredients.  We’re careful not to take an overdose of prescription medication but have no idea of how much of these four ingredients we’re consuming. Start reading labels – know what you’re putting in your mouth and begin to understand that “you are what you eat.” Here’s the prescription for the four ingredients that can be part of good health. Statistics show that Americans are killing themselves by taking them over the prescribed limit or not eating better and more healthful foods.  
Sugar - 9 teaspoons a day, but Americans average 22.7 teaspoons.
Salt - 1/3 teaspoon per day for people over 51, but Americans average two times this amount.
Saturated Fat – No more than 12 grams per day for older adults, but Americans average 28 grams.

Flour from a super-carbohydrate wheat plant (not your grandfather’s wheat) stripped of the kernel's germ and bran (where the nutrients are) with preservatives, butter, salt, sugar and toxic ingredients added – has become one of the biggest contributors to weight gain and American’s poor health. Start eating sprouted grain breads or choose lettuce wraps instead of bread sandwiches. For your pasta noodles and spaghetti choose quinoa, buckwheat, sweet potato, or corn.
Strong and Healthy
Carbohydrates, fat, and protein work together to keep the body performing at its best. Over time, that combination builds strength and lean body mass. Your body will benefit from a well-rounded package of vitamins and minerals that comes with the following foods.

+Winners - Grass-fed Animals. Lean is better such as lamb (lion, shank and leg), pork loin, beef eye of round, and sirloin.
Lamb: Good for You!” 
The World’s Healthiest Foods - Lamb, Grass Fed,”  
Is It Healthy to Eat Lamb?”    
-Losers - Grain-fed animals and e
xpensive filets (too much fat). Make no mistake, our meats are tainted with chemicals and hormones. Much of the meat we buy would not meet acceptable standards in other countries.
What You Need to Know About The Beef You Eat,” 
-Loser - The hot dog is one of most nutritionally bankrupt and poisonous foods, one of those foods we feed to our kids and think nothing of it. 
Do You Really Want to Eat Hot Dogs After Knowing This?

+Winner - organic DHA-enhanced eggs from cage free eggs from pastured hens. The darker color the yoke is, the higher the concentration of nutrient carotenes and fat-soluble vitamins. Plus, free-range hens are far less likely to contain dangerous bacteria such as salmonella. The dramatically superior nutrient levels are most likely the result of the differences in diet between free ranging, pastured hens and commercially farmed hens.
-Loser - egg substitute or regular store bought eggs from commercially farmed hens.

+ Winner -
non-fat yogurt (make sure the yogurt label says “live, active cultures”) with your favorite low- sugar jam and fruit in a small reusable container for several day's use. 
Trader Joe's Organic Greek Style Nonfat Yogurt contains just cultured pasteurized organic nonfat milk, with live and active cultures.  Enjoy it as you'd enjoy any other yogurt, use it as a replacement for sour cream in dips, or add it to recipes—it holds up to heat really well, because it is less likely than traditional yogurt to separate when heated. 
-Loser - regular yogurt with sweeteners.

+Winners – Nuts - best are pistachio, almonds, (almond butter), black walnuts, cashews, and peanuts. As for almond butter, I suggest you make it yourself - 1 big handful of dry roasted and unsalted almonds, 1 teaspoon peanut oil, raw local honey to taste and salt to taste. Put everything in the food processor, and blend coarsely or well. Five quick minutes, and you get fresh, (much better and much cheaper) rat-hair-free almond butter. Did I say “rat?”  See “Why I Will Never Buy Peanut Butter Again, . You might also want to be further horrified about other processed foods @

-Losers - macadamia nuts, beer nuts, Planter’s Sweet 'n Crunchy peanuts, and Snickers bars. Avoid nuts packaged or roasted in oil. Instead, eat them raw or dry roasted.,,20585485,00.html

+Winners - Organic Chicken, Turkey, Wild Salmon and Tuna Fish.
-Losers - regular frozen chicken, farmed salmon, fish sticks and popcorn shrimp, green beans & any large, starchy beans (kidney, great northern, lima, peanuts and peanut butter). 
Farmed salmon are fed pink dyes to make their flesh look more appealing than the disgusting gray they would otherwise be.

 “Top 10 Best & Worst Protein Sources  

+ Winner -
Chia Seeds are a super food containing a wealth of antioxidants, dietary fiber, omega3, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, many trace minerals and biologically-complete protein. Chia's soluble fiber forms a gel that slows the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream by binding it to toxins in the digestive system. Due to its high fiber content, Chia Seeds absorb up to ten times its weight in water, making them a great enhancer in hydrating our bodies, a valuable tool to improve day to day endurance and/or weight control. Chia Seeds can be added to many foods, including hot and cold cereals, soup, yogurt, and baked goods.  

+Winner -
Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah), a pseudo-grain like buckwheat, is the super complete protein food whose value is immense. Easy to digest gluten-free Quinoa is an excellent food source for strength and the brain with its high content of calcium, dietary fiber, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, and the anti-inflammatory amino acid Lysine. It is so important as a food source that the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has officially declared that 2013 is the “International Year of the Quinoa." Quinoa comes in white, red and black varieties. Preparation is just like rice - twice as much water as Quinoa. Bring to boil and reduce to simmer for 10 minutes. Add to spinach, onions, mushrooms and peppers sautéed in Rice Bran or Olive Oil and spice up with the best herbs for the brain - turmeric, sage, wasabi and garlic. 
Quinoa,” from Wikipedia -
The World’s Healthiest Foods – Quinoa   “Quinoa: The Passion and The Politics,” August 26th, 2013
32 Ways To Eat Quinoa And Succeed In Life  
-Loser – 
Why Refined Grains Are Harmful” -

+ Winner. - Buckwheat is one of the best sources of protein in the plant kingdom. Buckwheat is not related to wheat—in fact, it's not even technically a grain, though it is treated like a cereal crop. Buckwheat is actually the seed of a plant related to rhubarb. The outer husk is pulled away and the inner seed is eaten. Buckwheat is very nutritious, making it popular in many nations across the globe. It is easy to digest and provides complete protein.
“Buckwheat Is Not a Wheat,” by the World’s Healthiest foods
Organic Creamy Buckwheat Cereal” –

+ Winner - Drink More Water -
Heart attacks can be triggered by dehydration.  Drinking one glass of water before going to bed
avoids stroke or heart attack.  Gravity holds water in the lower part of your body when you are upright (legs swell). When you lie down and the lower body (legs and etc) seeks level with the kidneys, it is then that the kidneys remove the water because it is easier.
*Drinking water at a certain time maximizes its effectiveness on the body:
*2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
*1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
*1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
*1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
*Water at bed time will help prevent night time leg cramps. Your leg muscles are seeking hydration when they cramp and wake you up with a Charlie Horse. 
Slim and Sexy

Below are a list of foods with healthy fats that actually burn body fat. Start reading food labels and ingredients list on all packaged foods. Don’t buy foods with partially hydrogenated or hydrogenated oils. Look for packaging that guarantees no trans-fats. Be wary of low-fat substitutes that have artificial ingredients to make up for the loss of fat. To get started, look over “Five Foods that Keep You Thin” (apples, almonds, salmon, eggs, and tomatoes) -  

+Winners – Low Glycemic Index (GI) foods aide in weight loss. “Fast carbs" aid in weight gain and are carbohydrates with a high GI. Foods with GI less than 55 are considered Low GI food. Foods with GI index between 55 and 70 are considered intermediate. High GI foods are more than 70. The following is a list of foods to eat (low GI) to lose weight, foods to watch (intermediate GI) and three with high GI, but because of their other properties will also help in weight loss. 
Low GI \/
Lettuce, all varieties-Low-15
Low-fat yogurt-Low-15
Peppers, all varieties-Low-15
Snow peas-Low-15
Young summer squash-Low-15
Peas, dried-Low-22
Spaghetti (whole wheat)-Low-27
Kidney beans, boiled-Low-29
Apricots (dried)-Low-31
Carrots, cooked-Low-39
Sweet potato baked-42-low
Whole Wheat-Low-50
Sweet potato-Low-54
Intermediate GI \/
High GI \/
Watermelon - High-72 (but low-calorie and nutritious)
Potato, baked-High - 85 (but low-calorie and nutritious)
Dates - High - 103 (but don’t walk away from this super food because of their high GI because dates contain oil, calcium, sulphur, iron, potassium, phosphorous, copper and magnesium which are advantageous for health. While high on the GI scale, dates still help in fighting weight gain, constipation, intestinal disorders, heart problems, sexual weakness, diarrhea and abdominal cancer).

+ Win by Losing the Wheat – Today’s wheat is one of the biggest contributors to weight gain and is dangerous to your health. It is a distant ancestor of the real wheat that our forebears ate. Over the years wheat has been genetically modified in order for American farmers to produce a high-yield crop that has resulted in a super-carbohydrate wheat plant. Consequently it is far less healthy than its predecessor. With so little food value to start with, wheat is stripped of the kernel's germ and bran (where the nutrients are) with preservatives and toxic ingredients added in. Then to bleach flour chemicals are used that produce alloxan, a toxic glucose analogue which selectively destroys insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. These chemicals are banned in Europe and Australia. They use fava bean flour and soy flour to fast forward the gluten development and whiten flour. It gets worst.  All wheat (including whole wheat and sprouted germinate whole grains) contains a very unusual type of carbohydrate (not found in other foods) called mylopectin-A, which has been found in tests to spike blood sugar higher than even pure table sugar.   What Americans end up with is a product that is causing dementia, ADHD, anxiety, chronic headaches, depression, and much more. If you insist on eating wheat, make it sprouted germinate whole grains, the lest of the three flour evils (white flour, whole wheat flour and sprouted grains). This is hard to do if you love Italian food, but not impossible. Choose lettuce wraps instead of bread sandwiches, and for your pasta choose….   

Quinoa Pasta –
Buckwheat Noodles -
Sweet Potato Noodles -
Corn Spaghetti -
*What Happens to Wheat, from Seed to Storage
*Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight
*Whole Wheat vs. Sprouted Grain Bread
*“Three Hidden Ways Wheat Makes You Fat,” Feb 18, 2012
6 Ways “Heart-Healthy” Whole Wheat Can Destroy Your Health 
Difference Between Oat and Wheat 

+ Win by Losing the Cow. Beef, cheese and milk are among the highest saturated fat foods we eat, all the more to increase appetite and overeating. We all need protein, one of the building blocks of strong healthy bodies, but plant-based protein doesn't have any saturated fat like beef and are lower in calories. When you eat too much protein in meat, excess nitrogen is digested and metabolized to cause kidney function impairment.  Not only are cow products a major cause of weight gain, beef contains high levels of pesticides and industrial chemicals, a toxic stew.  Your love of beef should slowly but surely be switched to fish, lamb and turkey.

-Loser. The All-Beef Hot Dog. In 2009, the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) issued its landmark report about hot dogs and cancer risk saying that just ONE hot dog raises your risk for colorectal cancer by 21 percent.  Most of the meat and meat by-products come from confined animal feeding operations.  If you truly want to feed your kids hot dogs, here are the best and the worst according to Food-u-Cate -
The Worst Hot Dogs
(anything below “B” should never be put in your mouth)
Zweigle's Hot Dogs, Natural Casing, Premium, Texas Brand (D)
Nathan’s Famous Hotdog (D+)
Ball Park Franks, Jumbo, Beef (D+)
Park View Jumbo Franks Made With Chicken, Pork, Beef (D+)
Ball Park Franks, Beef (C-)
Hebrew National Beef Franks (C-)
Ball Park Franks, Turkey (C)
Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs Wieners, 20 ct (C)
Vienna Beef Beef Franks (C)
Boar's Head Frankfurters, Beef, Skinless (C+)
The Best Hot Dogs (which are hard to find in your grocery store)
Applegate Farms Great Organic Beef Hotdog (B)
Applegate Chicken Hot Dog – Uncured (B)
Nature's Promise Beef Hot Dogs, All Natural Uncured (B)
Organic Prairie Pork Bratwurst, Organic Frozen (B)
Gilbert's Craft Sausages Chicken Bratwurst (B)
Organic Prairie Pork Bratwurst, Organic Frozen (B)
Do You Really Want to Eat Hot Dogs After Knowing This?
Dangers of Milk and Dairy Products - The Facts
Cut Down on Meat to Lose Weight
Ditch Just One Tempting Food and Lose Weight

+Winner - Fish, grass fed meats, and chia seeds have healthy leptin levels along with sufficient omega-3s. A proper leptin level lowers inflammation. It's a protein that tells your brain that you have enough energy stored in your fat cells to eat and exercise at a normal rate.  But dieting decreases your leptin causing the brain to sense starvation which in turn causes you to over-eat to get your leptin back. Another leptin malfunction is "Leptin Resistance" caused by poor diet, stress, sleep deprivation, high insulin, overeating, and/or excessive exercise.  Your body tells you that you’re starving when you really aren't.  A nine step "Leptin Resistance" cure (one being eating foods rich in Omega-3s) is listed @ Cravings? Fix Your Leptin!

-Lose Weight - More (+)Winners and (-)Losers,,20475957,00.html

+Winners –
Fish and foods high in fish oil reduce cortisol which is the culprit for depositing fat around the belly.
The best fish to eat are wild caught and closer to the bottom end of the food chain with less mercury content such as tuna, mackerel, sardines, herring, and salmon, all of which can be bought in cans. “
What You Should Know about Canned Fish,” -
Here are my top five fish recommendations:
No1 -
Sardines – There’s just too much to say about the world’s healthiest food so take time to punch up these following web sights:
No  2 -
Salmon is low in mercury and high in protein, Vitamin D, and Omega-3.  Salmon has a high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids and selenium. But don't buy farmed salmon which are fed pink dyes to make their flesh look more appealing than the disgusting gray they would otherwise be.
No 3 -
Mackerel is much lower in mercury than tuna. It is high in protein, Omega-3 and-6 oils, vitamins A and D, some B vitamins and the antioxidant mineral selenium which protects the body from heart disease and cancer.
No 4 -
Herring is a good alternative to tuna, as it has a much lower mercury content. It is high in Vitamin D, protein, Omega-3, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). EPA and DHA are fatty acids that help prevent heart disease, keep the brain functioning properly, and reduce inflammatory conditions such as Crohn's disease leading to neurological disorders in up to 67 percent of patients. Herring.
No 5 -
Tuna is high in protein, niacin, and B-12, moderate in healthy fats, and low in sodium. Canned albacore, known as white tuna, contains almost three times as much mercury as canned light tuna. Choose water-packed tuna rather than oil-packed. The added oil used in canning mixes with some of the tuna's natural fat. When you drain oil-packed tuna, some of its omega 3 fatty acids also go down the drain. Since oil and water don't mix, water-packed tuna won't leach any of its precious omega-3s.  
-Losers - farmed salmon, fish sticks, popcorn shrimp, bluefish, grouper, sea bass, tuna (canned albacore & yellowfin), marlin, orange roughy, shark, swordfish, tilefish, and yellowfin tuna.
Farm-raised Salmon Concerns” -  

+Winner -
Sweet Potatoes are a complex carbohydrate, antioxidant nutrient, low-calorie, virtually fat-free source of energy which regulates bowel function and helps lower your bad cholesterol. They are a treasure chest of vitamins and minerals, and a source of iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium. Choose sweet potatoes with an orange hue; the deeper the color, the more beta-carotene the sweet potato contains. Season mashed, unpeeled sweet potatoes with cinnamon and nutmeg for a naturally sweet vegetable dish. Sweet potatoes have more fiber and vitamin A than white potatoes, but white potatoes are higher in essential minerals, such as iron, magnesium, and potassium. As for the Glycemic Index (GI), sweet potatoes are lower (42-low) on the scale than white potatoes (85-high).

+Winner -
Brown Rice promotes weight loss. The fiber content of brown makes the tummy feel full which translates to smaller meal portions.

+Winner -
Eggplant will help in losing weight because the fiber in eggplant will keep you fuller longer, which means you will eat less, and it has a low Glycemic Index (GI) of 15. Eggplant helps to prevent colon and stomach cancer naturally due to the high amount of its potent antioxidants. Eggplant relaxes blood vessels in the heart, improves circulation and helps prevent heart disease, heart attacks and stroke by keeping cholesterol at healthy levels.
The nutrients in eggplant are unaffected by cooking. See the top 20 Eggplant Recipes -

+ Winner –
Elderberries can assist with your weight loss efforts while strengthening the immune system. They are a super berry packed with health-boosting proteins, micronutrients and vitamins that enhance the body’s immune system increasing resistance to various diseases including cancer. They lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) - the bad cholesterol, and the high amounts of quercetin promote brain health. Elderberries are consumed in syrup form added to morning cereals and oat meal or in drinks. Elderberry Syrup can be found at Whole Foods, but a more economical way is to make it yourself.
Health Benefits of Elderberry  
Where to Buy Dried Elderberries
How to Make Elderberry Syrup  

+ Winner -
Whole Ground Flaxseed Meal’s fiber digests slowly so it makes you feel full for a longer period of time after eating. Chock full of nutrients, especially omega-3, it helps block the absorption of cholesterol and soften stool, and keeps blood sugar levels stable.

+Winner -
Garbanzo Beans (chickpeas) suppress appetite and cause less food consumption when the diet is supplemented with garbanzo beans. Garbanzo beans (like most legumes) have long been valued for their fiber content.

+Winner -
White beans (also known as white navy beans) are nutritious and can aid in weight loss, providing cancer fighting antioxidants. White beans also add an ample amount of fiber to your diet. They are low on the glycemic index, making them diet friendly.
+ Losers – green beans & any large, starchy beans (kidney, great northern, lima, peanuts and peanut butter).

+ Winner - Regular Popping Corn popped in a small amount of canola or rice bran oil or air popped with Vege-Sal sprinkled on top.

Popcorn: The Healthy Snack You’re Not Eating Often Enough
- Loser - movie time popcorn

+ Winner - Natural sweeteners such as
Stevia, Truvia, Organic Raw Local Honey, Pure Maple Syrup, Blackstrap Molasses, and Sugar Alcohols. These natural sugars raise blood-sugar levels gently, keeping sugar cravings at bay and helping to burn, rather than store, fat.
- Losers - Table sugar and artificial sweeteners. They are pure poison.

+Winner -
Almond Milk.
- Loser – All milk products.

+ Winners –
Green Tea, Sage, Cinnamon and Raw Honey in a cup of boiling water (drink separately or mixed some or all together).
- Loser – soda

+Winner –
Red Wine, a glass a day. Research found that wine can help keep your weight in check. It is high in antioxidants and quercitin that helps prevent blood clots.
-Loser - liquor has more calories and encourages you to eat more, and excessive alcohol consumption can lead to serious health problems, including stomach ulcers, liver disease, and heart troubles.  

+Winner -
Hot Peppers contain capsaicin that burns fat. As an added bonus hot peppers act as a natural painkiller.  
-Loser – a Mexican restaurant meal contains mostly flour.

+Winner –
Nuts. People who eat nuts gain less weight than people who don’t. “Go Nuts! a Handful a Day May Help You Live Longer, Docs Say” Nov 20, 2013

+Winners -
red potatoes, oranges, dark chocolate, nuts, tomato sauce, pears, grapefruits, black beans, avocados, wild caught salmon, bananas, and broccoli.
-Losers – doughnuts, bacon, margarine, french fries, chips, hot dogs, soda, hamburgers, chicken nuggets, fruit juice (instead eat the fruit) and canned food.

+Winners - “Best Superfoods for Weight Loss” @,,20475957,00.html
The following foods can help you get, and stay slim. They are  oats, avocado, salmon, blueberries, broccoli, brown-rice, pears, red-wine, grapefruit (eating half a grapefruit before each meal can help you lose up to a pound a week), beans (kidney, garbanzo, white and black), green-tea, lentils, bananas, egg-breakfast, dark-chocolate (I recommend 85% Pascha Organic Fair Trade Non-GMO Dark Chocolate and 86% Cacao Ghirardelli Intense Dark Chocolate. See the winners and losers @, oranges (never drink orange juice, a glass has 5 teaspoons of sugar and the Heart Association recommends a daily limit of 9 teaspoons so it’s just as bad as all the other sugary drinks), baked-potatoes, nuts (pine and almond), cheese (goat and feta), low-fat-milk, pearl-barley, quinoa, and  plantains.
Smart (a Better Brain)
New Discovery for People with Failing Memory - 
It’s the Food that’s Making Us Stupid!

What would you like the quality of life to be as you age? Would you be willing to change your eating habits if you knew there would be a 53 percent lower risk of Alzheimer’s if you ate food with an array of antioxidant compounds (such as berries) and omega-3 fats (from fish) and avoid certain foods that may accelerate cognitive decline, like fried foods. Fried foods appear to accelerate oxidative damage and promote inflammation? Researchers have found the good food is the key to keeping the brain healthy and conversely bad food is a prescription for loss of memory and increased chances developing dementia and Alzheimer's disease. The brain is composed of 100 billion brain cells - called neurons, that drive thinking, learning, feeling and states of being.  Neurons need good fats, protein, complex carbohydrates, micronutrients - vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients - and water.  Being only 2% of the total body weight but needing 20% of the body's blood supply the brain also needs an unrestricted supply of blood through healthy arteries. To assess the association between food combination and Alzheimer disease (AD) a New York decade long study (2003 – 2013) of  elderly people without dementia provided proof that a diet of high-fat dairy products, red meat, and butter was causing Tau tangles, a protein that clogs and kills brain cells. As a consequence they developed a higher percentage of dementia and Alzheimer disease than those on a Mediterranean diet.  Liz Applegate, nutrition professor and director of sports nutrition at University of California, Davis is a proponent of “brain foods,” things we eat that have a beneficial impact on our cognitive abilities.
 She’s an advocate of the MIND diet, a combination of two long-studied diets that have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. Her research has demonstarted that diet absolutely does play a role to fend off Alzheimer’s or dementia. The brain is like any other organ that is susceptible to (foods) that can protect against oxidation damage.  It’s eating a diet that provides an array of antioxidant compounds (such as berries) and omega-3 fats (from fish) and avoiding certain foods that may accelerate cognitive decline, like fried foods. Fried foods appear to accelerate oxidative damage and promote inflammation.  We know that people with Alzheimer’s and dementia have very similar characteristics to people with Type 2 diabetes. Over years and years, if your body is insulin resistant, those high blood sugar levels cause damage to linings of blood vessels and make them more prone to gunk building up …(such as) the amyloid or plaque that we see in brain or heart disease. Evidence is very compelling. This type of eating can slow the inevitable cognitive decline of aging. … We don’t know how to fix Alzheimer’s. The only thing we can do is modify the risks.

The MIND diet takes two proven diets – DASH and Mediterranean – and zeroes in on the foods in each that specifically affect brain health. The emphasis is on eating from 10 brain-healthy food groups: green leafy vegetables in particular, all other vegetables, nuts, berries, beans, whole grains, fish, poultry, olive oil and wine. Meanwhile, MIND adherents avoid foods from the five unhealthy groups: red meats, butter and stick margarine, cheeses, pastries and sweets, and fried or fast food. The MIND diet has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease and Type 2 diabetes.
For years, the Mediterranean and DASH diets have been shown to reduce the risk of chronic illnesses, such as diabetes and heart disease. The MIND diet, developed in 2015 by Chicago-based Rush University Medical Center researchers, goes further and identifies 10 good (1. Vegetables
2. Green leafy vegetables in particular, 3. Berries, especially blueberries, 4. Nuts, 5. Beans, 6. Wine
7. Whole grains, 8. Fish, 9. Poultry, and 10. Olive oil) and five bad food categories that appear to affect cognitive decline. In a four-year study of 960 seniors, those who rigorously followed the MIND diet lowered their risk of developing Alzheimer’s by up to 53 percent. Even those who consumed it only “moderately well” lowered their risk by 35 percent. In January 2016, U.S. News & World Report ranked the MIND diet as the No. 1 easiest-to-follow diet and the No. 2 “best diet overall,” based on its evaluation of 38 well-known eating plans. Good foods:Leafy salad greens, other colorful vegetables, nuts, berries, beans, whole grains, fish, poultry, olive oil and a daily glass of wine.  Bad foods:Red meat, butter/margarine, cheese, pastries/sweets, fried/fast food.
The DASH diet is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy foods; includes meat, fish, poultry, nuts, and beans; and is limited in sugar-sweetened foods and beverages, red meat, and added fats. In addition to its effect on blood pressure, it is designed to be a well-balanced approach to eating for the general public. DASH is recommended by the United States Department of Agriculture ("USDA") as one of its ideal eating plans for all Americans.
The Mediterranean diet is a modern nutritional recommendation originally inspired by the dietary patterns of Greece, Southern Italy, and Spain in the 1940s and 1950s. The principal aspects of this diet include proportionally high consumption of olive oil, legumes, unrefined cereals, fruits, and vegetables, moderate to high consumption of fish, moderate consumption of dairy products (mostly as cheese and yogurt), moderate wine consumption, and low consumption of non-fish meat products. Extra-Virgin Olive Oil may be the main health-promoting component of the diet.  In a study of 23 participants with high blood pressure, extra-virgin olive oil reduced blood pressure by 48 percent compared with sunflower oil. Olive oil intake even cut the need for blood pressure medications in eight of those participants. Regular consumption of olive oil may lower all-cause mortality and the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, neurodegeneration (progressive loss or death of neurons), and several chronic diseases.
Brain food: What to eat – at any age – to fend off Alzheimer’s and Dementia,” The Sacramento Bee Jan 16, 2016

Following are the best foods for your brain in categories of vitamins, nutrients and minerals needed for a healthy brain. Keep in mind that an overload of vitamins in pill form can cause health problems and foods fortified with vitamins can also be dangerous.  

Antioxidants fight off the free radicals that destroy brain cells. These include berries, spinach, broccoli, carrots, and a wide variety of teas.
Betaine, a nutrient found in Beetroot helps protects cells, proteins, and enzymes from environmental stress. It's also known to help fight inflammation, protect internal organs, improve vascular risk factors, enhance performance, and likely help prevent numerous chronic diseases. Beetroot is a unique source of Its phytonutrients give beets their deep crimson color may help to ward off cancer.

Boron is a trace element that improves hand-eye coordination, attention and memory. Best food is the raisin. Other good sources of boron include hazelnuts, almonds and dried apricots.
Calcium is an important part of the electrical signals within the nervous system, by delivering signals from the outside of the cell to the inside, through the joining of important proteins. These proteins are activated by calcium and cause various changes in the cell, including the cell turning on new sets of genes. The best foods to get calcium include non-fat Greek yogurt, turnip greens, oats (breakfast quick oats) and broccoli. 

Carotene is a powerful antioxidant that protects against cancer and aging. Foods highest in beta carotene are mangos, sweet potatoes, kale, carrots, turnip greens, mustard greens, spinach, dried herbs (basil, parsley, marjoram, oregano, sage, coriander) fresh thyme, butternut squash, collars, dark colorful lettuces (Romaine lettuce has much more nutrients than iceberg lettuce), and collards. 
Flavonoids protect the heart and reverses memory loss. The best foods highest in flavonoids are apples and pears (most are in the skin), blueberries, broccoli, cabbage, capers, chocolate (dark, not milk chocolate), onions, strawberries, red grapes, red wine, elderberries, beets, and tea (all kinds)
"What are Flavonoids," 
The Brain Diet” - 
Pears. Compared to the flesh of the pear, the skin contains at least three to four times as many antioxidant flavonoids. In a recent study at Cornell University, they found the flavonoids and other nutrients in pears protect against Alzheimer’s disease due in part to its ability to decrease the risk of chronic inflammation and excessive oxidative stress. Pears are beneficial to the immune system and reduce the risk of diseases including colorectal cancer, gastric cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Pears are high in pectin (higher than apples) which reduces cholesterol levels by bonding with dietary fat and cholesterol and removing them from the body through the intestine before they are absorbed through the bloodstream. They have a good amount of vitamins A, K, C, B2, B3, B6 and minerals calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper. 
Pears are the Wonder Fruit,”   
The World’s Healthiest FoodsPears,” 
+ Luteolin has been linked with lower rates of age-related memory loss. Lemongrass, celery, peppers and carrots are good sources of luteolin. More than any other plant in the world, lemongrass’s high concentration of citral, an antidepressant, benefits the brain by creating a relaxing effect, relieving stress and improving sleep patterns.  

+ Lutein is an antioxidant that helps reverse memory loss and retinal deterioration, a leading cause of blindness. Spinach and carrots are the best sources of lutein. You can reap the same nutritious benefits from canned spinach as you can from fresh or frozen, for less money. Canned also offers a high content of vitamin C at a 85% savings. Besides spinach, dark green vegetables such as broccoli and kale are high in lutein. 

+Lycopene significantly lowers the risk of blockage of a brain artery and the risk of stroke. This type of blockage starves brain cells for oxygen and causes them to die. You should get 10,000 micrograms (mcg) of lycopene daily which is better absorbed when in foods that contain some fat such as tomato sauce (one cup has 37,122 mcg). Supplements don’t work since the compounds in food are a part of what makes lycopene work.
Here are the runner-ups to tomato sauce:
1 cup tomato juice -21,960 mcg,
1 wedge of watermelon - 12,962 mcg,
1 cup of guavas - 8,587 mcg,
1 tbsp tomato paste - 3,140 mcg,
1 tbsp catsup - 2,506 mcg,
½ pink or red grapefruit - 1,745 mcg,
1 tbsp salsa - 1,682 mcg
1 slice raw tomato - 515 mcg.

Lysine is an anti-inflammatory amino acid that promises to be a key in preventing Alzheimer’s disease. It is one of several essential amino acids. Others are isoleucine, leucine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, and valine. Foods high in Lysine are sunflower seeds, cashew nuts, almond butter, peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds, cashew nuts, and flaxseed.
The two super foods high in lysine and most of the other essential amino acids are Quinoa (pronounced keen-wa) and Hemp Seeds.
- Quinoa, a pseudocereal rather than a true cereal or grain, rings in as a super food for your brain, building muscles, boosting the body’s energy levels, and helping in weight reduction. The "Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN" has officially declared 2013 "The International Year of the Quinoa." Even though Quinoa is relatively new to North America, it can now be found in most grocery stores. It contains more protein than any other grain and is a great source of vitamins (including various members of the vitamin E family), minerals, antioxidants, copper, zinc, magnesium, and folate.
- Hemp Seeds increases energy levels in the brain. They are one of the most nutritious foods on earth containing all of the essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, magnesium, iron, potassium, and antioxidants from their vitamin E content. They are a delightful addition to hot cereal.  

Magnesium has a dramatic effect on improving multiple aspects of memory and learning, slows the deterioration of memory in aging people, and benefits the cardiovascular system by reducing the risk of coronary heart disease. It lowers high cholesterol levels, hypertension, irritability and LDL (bad cholesterol). Top magnesium rich foods are -
Spinach 1 c: 157 mg (40% of daily value)
Dark Chocolate 1 square: 95 mg (24% of daily value)
Almonds 1 oz: 80 mg (20% of daily value)
Buckwheat 1 cup (20% of daily value)
Black Beans ½ c: 60 mg (15% of daily value)
Avocado 1 medium: 58 mg (15% of daily value)
Yogurt or Kefir 1 c: 50 mg (13% of daily value)
Figs ½ c: 50 mg (13% of daily value)
Banana 1 medium: 32 mg (8% of daily value)
Other foods that are also high in magnesium include: coffee, salmon, coriander, cashews, goat cheese and artichokes.
Coffee has the added advantage of stimulating brain neurons and preventing the onset of Alzheimer’s disease
Magnesium For Memory
“Foods High in Potassium, Calcium and Magnesium”
New study: Magnesium is a Brain Super Food
Monounsaturated Fat is a healthy fat. Best one is the avocado.

+ Omega-3 is a heart-healthy fat that replaces lost brain cells; aids in clear thinking, alertness, learning, and reasoning; and prevents conditions that affect the brain such as dementia, cognitive decline, blood clots, artery wall deterioration, and depression. But men who take fish oil pill supplements may be getting too much omega-3 fatty acids. A new study suggests overdoing omega-3, especially through supplements, increases the risk of prostate cancer. This only proves, once again, that pill supplements are not good for you when you eat the right food. Instead, eat fish, walnuts and non-fat Greek yogurt. The best fish to eat is mackerel or sardines. Others include cold water fish (salmon, trout, fresh tuna, anchovies, orange roughy, flounder, cod and sole), Stay clear of farm raised fish. These fish are unhealthy. Just for starters they live in close-quarter breeding disease and parasites which require them to be treated with antibiotics and fungicides.
Further, people in the Mediterranean who have a diet rich in olive and canola oils (rich in omega-3) suffer less memory loss as they age. 
*"OlivExtra Mediterranean Blend Oil" is a mix of canola oil, extra virgin olive oil and grapeseed oil that works well in salads, sautéing and frying. It is high in Omega-3 and the only oil to get a “B” rating on  plus it is highly recommended as part of the Mediterranean diet. See "Shockingly Delicious" -   
Is Farm-Raised Fish Healthy?  
"What Kinds of Cold Water Fish Are Healthy to Eat?" 

+ Pectin protects the heart and reverses memory loss. Foods highest in pectin include peaches, pears, apples, berries (blackberries, gooseberries and raspberries), and whole grain cereals.
"List of Foods High in Pectin," 

Potassium regulates sodium, lowers blood pressure, prevents arties from clogging, reduces the risk of stroke and keeps your brain and heart healthy and strong. These foods include sweet potatoes with skin, beets, tomato sauce, spinach, bananas, raisins, oranges, peaches, and prunes. In additions to saying, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” add, “a banana a day keeps the doctor away.”

+ Probiotics (beneficial bacteria) improves brain function. Bacteria in our digestive systems helps to mold brain structure influencing our moods, behavior and feelings. Foods high in Probiotics include Yogurt, Miso Soup, Sauerkraut, Kefir, Kombucha, Mircoalgae, Pickles, Tempeh, Kimchi, and Poi.
Top 10 Probiotic Foods To Add To Your Diet
Probiotics Affect Brain Activity
Top 10 Probiotic Foods To Add To Your Diet
6 Myths about Greek Yogurt (make sure the yogurt label says “live, active cultures.”)
Yogurt Brands Containing Probiotics

+ Selenium is a trace mineral that has an essential role in ensuring good brain health, particularly as an anti-oxidant. Studies have found that depleted levels of selenium result in poor memory, bad moods, and decreased cognitive function. Selenium in your diet improves mood, clarity of thinking, and energy levels. Foods high in selenium include whole-grain bread, tuna, Brazil nuts, fish (tuna, halibut, sardines, flounder, salmon), shellfish (oysters, mussels, shrimp, clams, scallops), meat (liver and lamb), turkey, eggs,  mushrooms, onions, and grains (wheat germ, barley, brown rice, oats). A recent study showed that Americans who ate brown rice regularly had a 10% less risk of developing diabetes than those who eat white rice.
Trader Joe's Brown Jasmine Rice
How to Protect Your Mind with Brain Foods  
Selenium Intake Prevents Loss of Brain Function as We Age
Ten Foods Rich in Selenium” - 

Phosphatidylserine  (PS) plays a major role in brain development and brain functioning to reduce the risk of dementia. Daily intake above 300mg has a protective effect against cognitive decline.
(PS) content in mg/100 g (3.5 oz)
Brain  713
Chicken hearts 414
Atlantic mackerel 480
Beef liver 418  
Atlantic herring 360
Tuna 194   
White beans 107
Chicken liver 123  
Whole large egg - 112 mg

+ Vitamin B-3 (Niacin). Bad memory, dementia and fatigue could all be signs you need more niacin. Niacin improves sleep quality, stabilizes mood and reduces anxiety. Niacin is the gold standard for lowering cholesterol and triglycerides, two blood fats that cause clogged arteries. Niacin is key to lowering fatigue and joint stiffness. Wheat Bran is highest in niacin followed by liver, kidney, pork chops, turkey, and fish. 

Vitamin B-6 improves brain functions, reduces blood pressure, and lowers the levels of cholesterol in the blood. Foods high in B6 are wheat germ, rice bran, sprouted and 100% whole grain breads, mangoes, pistachio and hazel nuts, garlic, liver (calf and chicken), fish ( wild caught salmon and cod), canned tuna fish, spinach, sunflower and sesame seeds, and lean pork tenderloin.
*Rice bran can be used in place of flour. It has the texture of flour, is very high in fiber with no gluten. It has a great taste. Sprinkle it on your cereal. Buy from Heritage Natural Market, 984 Laskin Rd, Virginia Beach – 757-428-0500 *Rice Bran Oil is the world's healthiest trans fat free edible oil, a rich source of antioxidant vitamin E, vitamin B6 and nutrients. It's not just delicate and flavorful, its high soluble fiber helps lower cholesterol, fight diseases, enhance the immune system, fight free radicals and more. Its high smoke point of 450 °F and its mild flavor make it the best stir frying and deep frying.

Vitamin B-9 (Folic Acid or Folate) (400 mcg recommended daily value – DV) grows and repairs brain cells and prevents Alzheimer’s disease and several types of cancer. A lack of folic acid can lead to mental conditions such as depression. Foods highest in folic acid are lentils, spinach, collard greens, turnip greens, mustard greens, romaine lettuce, asparagus, broccoli, oranges, papaya, lentils, avocados, okra, brussels sprouts, seeds and nuts, and cauliflower. 

Vitamin B-12 (2.4 mcg recommended daily value – DV) helps maintain nerve cells and red blood cells and is also an essential in making the DNA found in all cells. It's brain food.
Foods highest in B12 are calf's and chicken livers. Since liver is high in cholesterol and saturated fat, plan to have it no more than once a week. Its concentration of many beneficial nutrients make it an extremely healthful food for the brain. Here’s the best way to prepare liver along with healthy ingredients.
1. Fry thinly sliced onions in rice bran oil and some minced garlic until golden brown. Move to one side of fry pan.
2. Add slices of liver into the hot rice bran oil that have been dredged in egg and rolled in a mixture of ground sage, salt, cayenne pepper (to taste) and pure rice bran or almond meal. Cook for two minutes on each side (don’t overcook). Meat should be seared on the outside and pink on the inside.
3. Remove the cooked liver to a hot plate and quickly deglaze the pan with fresh lemon juice and red wine.
4. Pour over liver and onions (optional to taste). Eat hot.
Other foods high in Vitamin B12 are turkey, mackerel, lamb loin and shoulder, and canned tuna and sardines.

Vitamin D
Link between Vitamin D, Dementia Risk Confirmed” Aug 6, 2014
You can get your vitamin D from the sun. Ten to 15 minutes of sunshine three times weekly is enough to produce the body's requirement of vitamin D.  The sun needs to shine on the skin of your face, arms, back, or legs (without sunscreen). In general, people over age 50 need higher amounts of vitamin D than younger people. If you don’t get it outside, get it at the table with these foods highest in vitamin D -
cod liver oil, fish (canned and fresh), shrimp, oysters, caviar (black and red), eggs, mushrooms, lean meats, poultry, white beans, eggs, and nuts.
Suggest you stay clear of vitamin D fortified foods ( and definitely do not take vitamin D supplement pills as they can easily put too much vitamin D in your body making the intestines absorb too much calcium and causing high levels of calcium in the blood. Symptoms of vitamin D overdose are Confusion and disorientation, kidney damage, kidney stones, nausea, vomiting, constipation, poor appetite, weakness, and weight loss.

Vitamin E decreases stress, and stress is one of the causes of memory loss. Foods high in Vitamin E are sunflower seeds, almonds, spinach, turnip greens, mustard greens, collard greens, asparagus, and bell peppers.

Vitamin K contributes to brain health by reducing dementia and muscular degeneration.  Besides the brain, Vitamin K promotes bone and eye health, blood clotting, insulin resistance, and blood vessel protection.  Foods high in Vitamin K are kale,  spinach, mustard greens, collard greens, beets, swiss chard, turnip greens, parsley, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, blueberries, prunes, grapes, soybeans, miso, pasture-raised eggs, pasture-raised chicken, grass-fed beef, grass-fed lamb, shrimp, sardines, tuna, and wild caught salmon.

Zinc is essential for maintaining proper nerve cell functioning and preventing the onset of dementia and memory loss. Zinc helps your body to absorb vitamin B6, a fat we get too much. Turkey is high in zinc plus tryptophan, one of the 10 essential amino acids that the body uses to synthesize the proteins it needs and induce sleep and reduce stress levels. Get fresh organic turkey. All organic birds are free range but not all free range birds are organic. Turkey offers more nutritional benefits than other meats. 

The Best Herbs for the Brain
Turmeric, an antioxidant and a powerful anti-inflammatory, add it to any curry dish and to egg salad and in soups.
Sage, a memory enhancer and dementia preventer, add to tomato sauce, turkey, or in a cup of boiling water along with cinnamon and raw honey for that morning and before bed therapeutic refresher.
Wasabi contains a chemical (also found in horseradish and broccoli) to help brain cells communicate with each other. Great on fish. Add a little bit to ginger, teriyaki or peanut based sauces to make deviled eggs, salad dressing, and crab cakes.
Garlic has a direct and positive effects to brain function, including killing brain cancer cells. It thins blood (an aspirin replacement), lowers cholesterol, and aides in the production of chemicals that help cells withstand stress. It is arguably the most powerful disease and ailment fighting-food on the planet. It kills viruses responsible for colds and the flu and increases immune functioning. Add minced garlic to marinades and salad dressing. Add sautéed garlic to turkey or vegetable dishes.
What Herbs Go With What Foods??

+ Cumin - The health benefits of cumin include its ability to aid in digestion, improve immunity and treat piles, insomnia, respiratory disorders, asthma, bronchitis, common cold, lactation, anemia, skin disorders, boils and cancer. 
Cumin has detoxifying and chemopreventive properties, and accelerates the secretion of detoxifying and anticarcinogenic enzymes from the glands. Furthermore, it has beneficial antioxidants like vitamin-C and vitamin-A within its chemical makeup, in addition to those essential oils. Besides having countless other benefits, the antioxidants have anticarcinogenic properties too, and those found in cumin are particularly good for colon cancer prevention. Cumin is also beneficial in treating renal coli, weak memory, insect bites and painful stings. With all of these benefits, how could you say no? Add some cumin to your diet as soon as you can!
+Black Cumin lowers high blood pressure in just weeks. Black cumin more commonly known as Nigella. Its seeds are also renowned in history for their medicinal benefits.
+Coriander, commonly known as Dhania in the Indian Subcontinent and Cilantro in the America and some parts of Europe, is an herb that is extensively used around the world as a condiment, garnish, or decoration on culinary dishes. Its scientific name is Coriandrum Sativum L. Its leaves and fruits have a recognizable and pleasant aroma and are commonly used raw or dried for culinary applications. The health benefits of coriander include its use in the treatment of skin inflammation, high cholesterol levels, diarrhea, mouth ulcers, anemia, indigestion, menstrual disorders, smallpox, conjunctivitis, skin disorders, and blood sugar disorders, while also benefiting eye care. It has eleven components of essential oils, six types of acids (including ascorbic acid, better known as vitamin C), minerals and vitamins, each having a number of beneficial properties. A more complete list is given below.
"What Herbs Go with What?"

The Best of the Best for the Brain
If you want to cover all bases for the nutrients, vitamins and minerals listed above, here are the minimum number of foods that will do that: 
Spinach - Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Carotene, Lutein, Antioxidants, Potassium, Magnesium & Calcium;
Turkey - Vitamin B12 and Zinc;
Calf’s LiverPhosphatidylserine, Selenium and Niacin (Vitamin B-3);
Tomatoes - Lycopene;
Quinoa - Lysine
Fish - Omega-3 and Selenium;
Avocado - Monounsaturated Fat (Healthy Fat);
Apples – Pectin, Flavonoids; and
Nuts – Boron.

Here are my picks for the eleven best brain foods:

Rated Number 1 - Walnuts, a surprising superfood with many health benefits. A handful of walnuts a day may help keep Alzheimer’s disease at bay, a new study has found. Researchers at the New York State Institute for Basic Research in Developmental Disabilities said experiments with Alzheimer’s-susceptible mice found that subjects that consumed walnuts showed significant improvement in their learning skills and memory compared with mice without them in their diet.  Walnuts are a rich source of many antioxidants, including vitamin E, selenium, manganese, ellagic acid, melatonin and at least 16 different polyphenols. Besides Walnuts, the New England Journal of Medicine recently published a study that showed people who ate a handful of mixed nuts on a daily basis were 20% less likely to die from heart diseases, cancer or other ailments. The best are Walnuts, Peanuts, Brazil nuts, Almonds, Pecans, Pistachios, and Pine Nuts.
Fight against Alzheimer's Disease: New Research on Walnuts. Oct 21, 2014
Seven Nuts That Help You Live Longer

Rated Number 2 - Green Tea - 10 Proven Benefits of Green Tea, the healthiest beverage on the planet. It is loaded with antioxidants, nutrients, L-theanines (calms anxiety), and polyphenols and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) (powerful antioxidants). It improves brain function; dissolves body fat; lowers the risk of cancer; protects against aging and all sorts of diseases; and improves physical performance, alertness, and productivity better than coffee.
Ten Proven Benefits of Green Tea,
HerbaSway HerbaGreen Tea is a convenient way to add green tea to almost everything you drink. Put it in steeped tea and in other drinks like lemonade. Easy to carry along when traveling.

Rated Number 3 - Sardines, rich in omega-3 oils, provides fluidity to cell membranes and improve communication between brain cells. They help to boost learning power and are greatly enhance mood. Its omega-3 fatty acids are highly correlated with reductions in dementia, Alzheimer’s, and depression.   

Rated Number 4 - Spinach is brain food loaded with antioxidants, phytochemicals, lutein, folate, and beta-carotene that improves blood flow, reduces inflammation, helps prevent dementia, and 
sustains brain functioning. A study published in "Experimental Neurology" in 2005 found animals treated with dietary supplementation of spinach showed reduced brain damage from restricted blood supply. Other leafy greens such as asparagus, kale, turnip greens, collard greens, and romaine lettuce are brain powerhouses.

Rated Number 5 - Garlic is nature's most potent food. Garlic reducing tumor growth by producing reactive oxygen species in brain cancer cells, and its inflammation-reducing properties benefit the brain by increasing blood flow and reducing inflammation. Garlic has been found to increase memory, cognitive functions and longevity. It is one of the reasons people who eat the Mediterranean diet live such long healthy lives.

Rated Number 6 - Calf's LiverAvailable year-round, lovers of calf's liver hold this food in very high regard not only for its tremendous storehouse of nutrients but for its delicious taste and texture. Calf's liver is less likely to have the accumulations of toxins such as pesticides, hormones and antibiotics found in the liver of older animals. Calf's liver is high in Phosphatidylserine, Selenium Niacin (vitamin B-3), a key to improved memory, sleep, mood and reduced anxiety. Niacin lowers fatigue and joint stiffness and also cholesterol and triglycerides (two blood fats that cause clogged arteries).

Rated Number 7 – Blackberries -  A study using rats published in "Nutritional Neuroscience" in June 2009 found that consuming blackberries appears to improve short-term memory and motor skills, in part due to an increase in antioxidants, which help reduce damage to cells from harmful substances called free radicals. Blackberries are more than just powerful antioxidants. They are also extremely high in some of the highest forms of chronic disease and cancer-fighting compounds: vitamins C, E, and ellagic acid. They also hold high levels the soluble fiber known as pectin, a substance that studies link to lowered levels of cholesterol. Besides blackberries, the others are some of the healthiest foods on the planet, i.e,  Elderberries, Blueberries, Acai Berries, Goji Berries, Bilberries (Huckleberry, Wineberry, Dyeberry),
Strawberries, and Cherries.  
Seven Berries You Should Eat Everyday, June 19, 2014
How Does Eating Blackberries Affect Your Brain?

Rated Number 8 – Quinoa has been officially declared for 2013, "The International Year of the Quinoa” by the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Quinoa contains more protein than any other grain. Quinoa is high in lysine, while other grains are low in lysine an anti-inflammatory amino acid that promises to be a key in preventing Alzheimer’s disease.

Rated Number 9 – Avocados is a goldmine of nutrients that affect brain health. Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fat, which is considered healthy fat. Monounsaturated fats decrease LDL cholesterol, the bad cholesterol, while increasing HDL cholesterol, the good cholesterol, thus preventing hardening of blood vessels. Healthy blood vessels allow proper blood flow, which reduces the risk of stroke. 
The Surprising Way to Keep Avocados Fresh

Rated Number 10 -  A mix of  Hemp Seed, Flax Seed, Chia Seeds and Wheat Germ on your morning breakfast of 1/2 Instant Oatmeal and 1/2 Creamy Buckwheat - are full of fiber, vitamins, minerals, omega-3 and proteins that are essential to the body plus it promotes weight loss. It lowers blood pressure and unhealthy cholesterol levels; and provides the best possible protection against Alzheimer's.

Rated Number 11 - Beets have natural nitrates that increase blood flow to the brain, thereby improving mental performance. 
For further reading -
Twelve Foods That Supercharge Your Brain
The Brain Diet - Elderberries, Pecans, Beets 
Brain Boosting Foods

Ways to Eat, When to Eat, and What to Eat
+Raw Honey and Cinnamon. Before Breakfast and before going to bed, a mixture of raw honey and cinnamon in hot water has been shown to lower your weight. Drink several minutes before breakfast and before going to bed. 

Hot Breakfast
+ 100% whole grain oats (the divine dozen - the best breakfast in the world) with true cinnamon, Herbagreen tea, cherries, wild blueberries, raisons, peaches-canned or fresh chopped, and wheat gem. Add strawberries and banana after microwaving.  

+ Hominy Grits and Maypo.  
+ Ezekiel Flourless Sprouted Whole Grain English Muffins or Trader Joe's Organic Flourless Sprouted 7-Grain Bread with below choice of spread - rated “B-” or better @ 
Breakstone's Whipped Butter,
Unsalted Earth Balance Organic Buttery Spread,
Whipped Nature's Promise Margarine Spread,
Organic Olivio Light Butter with Canola,
Smucker's Strawberry Fruit Spread
Trader Joe's Organic Strawberry Fruit Spread
Welch's Natural Raspberry Spread

Cold Breakfast
+ Low-fat or fat-free milk, cottage cheese and yogurt. Look for Greek yogurt with "live and active cultures" listed (Trader Joe's Nonfat Plain Greek Yogurt). Some yogurts with "live and active cultures" have too much sugar (Yoplait) and some Greek yogurts have no "live and active cultures."
+ Grapefruit with low or nonfat cottage cheese.
+ Breakfast Cereals – Of course those loaded with sugars are always found down low in the grocery aisle where kids can get their hands on them. The top ones to eat are Post Shredded Wheat, Post Grape-Nuts, Fiber One, Total, Wheaties, Wheat Chex, Cheerios, Multigrain Cheerios, Kellogg’s Mueslix, hi-fiber multibran (any), and bran flakes (any). Some raisin bran cereals or better than others so it's best to add your own raisins to any of the aforementioned.
+Note: Stay clear of juice, eat the fruit instead.

Snacks - Graze throughout the day snacking on small amounts of the suggested snacks listed below. This will dampen your hunger pains, reduce your stress level and help you eat moderately at meal time.
+ Bananas help moderate appetite. For a snack have a banana. Since a banana has only 90 calories per 100 g (butter has about 700 calories per 100 g), bananas reduces your calorie intake and thus help in weight loss.
+ Triple Berry Whole Grain Fig Newtons are healthy, wholesome, and just one helps assuage your appetite.
+ Stir onion soup mix into some fat-free or light sour cream for your veggie (carrots or celery) dip.
+ Snack on 100% whole wheat bread and protein like almond butter, tuna fish, or Greek Yogurt. In these foods the glucose is released gradually over time.
+ Nuts. Pistachio, Almonds, Black Walnuts, Cashews, and Peanuts are a super heart-healthy snack that curb your desire to fill up. The protein is good for burning fat. Avoid nuts packaged or roasted in oil. Instead, eat them raw or dry roasted.

+ Almond butter sandwich with banana and/or all-fruit jelly (no added sugars kind) on 100% whole wheat or sprouted grain bread.
+ Add sliced avocado to your sandwich instead of cheese.
+ Turkey, lettuce, tomato sandwich. Always use mustard (Wasabi Mustard) instead of mayo.
+ Have mostly veggies for lunch. Doctor your veggies to make them delicious: Dribble raw honey over carrots, and
+ Include more soups in your eating. Make a pot of homemade soup to last for a couple of days. Stay clear of canned soup high in salt.
+ Wrap skinless turkey breast in 100% whole wheat pita bread - less bread, more fiber.

+ Stop eating a whole slab of meat. Instead, chop up lean meat and mix with quinoa or brown rice. Adds might include red beans, mushrooms, and melted red peppers and onions.
+ Go Italian with a mixture of olive oil and balsamic vinegar on your bread plate.

+ For salads use a mist bottle and make your own with olive oil and Balsamic Vinegar or try Newman's Own Balsamic Natural Salad Mist - or Ken's Steak House Lite Accents Balsamic - You spread the dressing evenly using much less of a product that puts pounds on.
+ Fish. It’s the most filling protein — even more so than beef!
+ Spaghetti. Use Ronzoni Healthy Harvest Whole Grain or some other whole grain spaghetti noodle with your own tomato sauce. Melt onions and red peppers in the fry pan. Add Tomato paste, diced tomatoes, mushrooms, turmeric, sage, garlic, cilantro, black olives, and Italian-Style Spaghetti powder (to taste). Top it with parmesan cheese.
+ Always include a vegetable side dish – asparagus, artichokes, beets, cabbage, small red beans, sweet potatoes, beets, cabbage, broccoli, carrots, collard greens, kale, peppers, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, spinach and winter squash. These foods slow digestion making you feel full longer and therefore aid in weight reduction.
+Beans. Here are the best; small red beans, red kidney beans, pinto beans, black beans, navy beans, and black-eyed peas. Baked beans in the can? Not so good because they have lots of sugar. Drain all the sauce to make them better. Add to your salad.
+For a dessert to satisfy your craving have a small piece of dark chocolate or some dried figs or dates.

-Loser - Cooking Starchy Food at High Temperatures.  European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has confirmed acrylamide in food potentially increases the risk of developing cancer in all age groups. Acrylamide in food is produced by the same chemical reaction that “browns” food – also making it tastier – during everyday high temperature (+150°C).  Fried potato products, biscuits, crackers and crisp breads, soft bread and certain baby foods have high acrylamide. Children are the most exposed age groups. European and national authorities already recommend reducing acrylamide in food as much as possible.  A study has for the first time confirmed the proposed link between dietery intake of acrylamide and cancer. Those who ingest more acrylamide via their diet are twice as likely to develop womb or ovarian cancer, a Dutch study involving 62,000 women over 11 years has concluded. Nobody puts acrylamide in food. The chemical is a natural byproduct of cooking starchy food at high temperature. So while you might find acrylamide in potatoes that are fried or baked at high temperatures, you will not find it in potatoes that are boiled and mashed. French fries and potato chips already are well up on the list of bad-for-you foods. Acrylamide also forms in plenty of other starches, like the toasted oats in Cheerios, the flour in hard pretzels.

+ or - Winners or Losers - Grains? - the Carbohydrate / Gluten Controversy.  
Grains are dry seeds divided into grain crops such as wheat and rye, and legumes such as beans and soybeans. 
Are Carbohydrates in Grains Good for You? Some say yes. Carbohydrates  are a complex mix of sugars, fibers, and starches. They provide the body with glucose, which is converted to energy used to support bodily functions and physical activity. Carbohydrates are the foundation of a healthy diet. In addition to vegetables, fruits and beans; unprocessed whole grains are prescribed by nutritionist as healthy sources of carbohydrates.  The less processed and refined a carb is, the healthier it is.
Is Gluten in Grain Good for You? Gluten is a protein found in many grains, including wheat, rye and barley; and is a good source of fiber, vitamins and minerals.  Gluten free grains include buckwheat, corn, millet, oats, quinoa, rice (wild, black or brown), sorghum, and teff.  About 1 percent of the population has celiac disease and must avoid gluten. For the other 99% of us a gluten-free diet won't provide benefits and may do so at the expense of our health. Gluten-free foods often contain other ingredients that have too much unhealthy carbohydrates such as white rice flour and potato flour.
“Most People Shouldn't Eat Gluten-Free”
Recently there has been a movement to cast all grains as bad for you. Most notably is Dr David PerlmutterSee his book “Grain Brain” Also see “How Grains Are Killing You Slowly,” and “How Does Gluten Affect the Brain?”  Their attack is mainly over gluten which they say causes mental illness, brain abnormalities, dementia, stroke, epileptic seizures, Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), anxiety, chronic headaches, and depression. Further, in their assault on gluten, they say it is not good for the brain, particularly breads and cakes made with white flour, Worcestershire sauce, bouillon, alcoholic drinks made with grain, processed meats and sugary sweets.
6 Shocking Reasons Why Gluten is Bad For You” -
Since nutritionists are in conflict, my advice is to stick with unprocessed whole grains that are gluten free (buckwheat; oats; quinoa; and wild, brown or black rice). Also foods good for you that are naturally low in gluten are beans, corn, fruits, vegetables, meat, poultry, fish, potatoes, rice, and 85 percent cocoa chocolate.

The following are the very best exercises designed to flatten your stomach and reduce your stress level. But beside these exercises, make sure you get out in the fresh air for at least a 15 minute walk each day.

Mat Exercises
Back Extensions
Abdominal Crunch
Intermediate Pilates Series - Includes Rock and Catch
Stomach Vacuum Exercise
Belly Roll

Using Gym Machines
The Abdominal Wheel
Note: The Perfect Ab-Carver (abdominal spring loaded wheel) promises to help you get ripped abs and sculpted arms. The kinetic “
engine” uses a carbon steel spring to turbocharge your abdominal and arm workouts. It provides resistance as you roll out and assistance when you roll back. Buy @  or a Sporting Goods Store (Dick’s) $40.
Abdominal Crunch Exercise Machine
Abdominal Coaster Exercise Machine
Back Extension Exercise Machine

Reducing Your Stress. Some stress is good for you but excessive stress will lead to brain drain, not to mention heart disease and diabetes.
+ Try yoga -
+ Get regular massages.
+ Drink coffee only in the morning.

+ Eat a desert that will boost your melatonin naturally and help you sleep.

A bowl of sliced pineapples, bananas, and oranges are best. You may also want to include oats, sweet corn, brown rice, tomatoes, barley in your dinner meal. Be wary of supplements as they are a poor substitute for good foods.
8 Foods to Naturally Increase Melatonin for Better Sleep

Pick Six: Here are 12 great tips for a healthier you. Picking just 6 will assure you of a long, healthy and happy life – guaranteed!
1. Dieting should not be dieting. That’s why most people on diets end up putting it all back on. Rather it’s what you eat, not how much. The best plan out there is the Mediterranean diet which is not a “diet” as we think of it but a food plan for life. It’s so easy to Google information about this plan which has been shown by the New England Journal of Medicine to reduce heart attacks and strokes significantly while reducing weight with no need to cut down on the amount consumed. 
2. Nearly half of our sugar consumption comes from soda and fruit drinks that contain sugar or other sweeteners. Soda consumption is a major cause of the obesity epidemic. Switch to water. 
3. There is an alternative for our sweet teeth with fruits and sweeteners such as Stevia and Truvia, all natural products that help shed pounds. 
4. Start reading labels. Make a list of what you normally eat each day and figure out the sodium (salt), sugar and fat consumption. That should be no more than 9 teaspoons or 43 grams of sugar, 1/4 teaspoon or 1.5 grams (1,500 mg) of sodium for people over 51, and 2.4 teaspoons or 12 grams of fat. This is a great incentive to cut out those foods that are spiking those limits. 
5. Eat healthy by simply looking up the foods you eat on the web. The best one is “FooduCate.” Google it and stay with foods rated “B-“ to “A+.” 
6. Stay away as much as possible from processed foods (packaged or canned). At the food store take a hard right to the fresh fruits and vegetable section. You don’t need to be any kind of cook to chop up fresh vegetables (carrots, onions, peppers, tomatoes, celery, mushrooms, etc.) and throw them in a pot or pan with some chopped up lean meat. 
7. Loose the cow! Meat, cheese and milk add significantly to weight gain. Switching to turkey, lamb and fish is a smart choice. If you stay with meat, choose lean cuts and mix with rice, vegetables or Quinoa (the 2013 International Year of the Quinoa as officially declared by the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations). As for milk, switch to swim or 2%. 
8. When eating out, stay away from French Fries, fried foods, and pastry desserts. Most restaurants offer mixed vegetable side dishes, broiled main courses, and fresh fruit desserts. 
9. Loose the flour! Flour-based foods (breads, buns, cakes, cookies, donuts, white rice and bagels) put on unwanted pounds. Make a lettuce wrap for you sandwich instead of using bread. Just Google “Bread Substitutes” for this and many other  ways to make a sandwich not using bread. 
10. Low Glycemic Index (GI) foods aide in weight loss. “Fast carbs" aid in weight gain and are carbohydrates with a high GI. Foods with a GI less than 55 are considered “Low” GI food. Make a list of those foods and start including them in your food plan. See the list above under "Slim and Sexy."

11. Drink Water. You should be drinking 6 to 8 glasses per day. Not only will it help fill you up so you eat less, but it aids in digestion. Drinking water before a meal to help assuage your appetite, but drinking during the meal prohibits good digestion of the food.
12. Eat Right. Instead of turning to supplements, get the majority of your protein and minerals from foods. If you get hungry between meals, go ahead have a snack to tide you over. See my list of recommended snacks above or Google "Healthy Snacks."

Below is a recap of all the foods I have listed. Sticking with these foods and modest daily exercise will change your life; keep you from getting dementia, heart attack, and stroke; improve your memory; get you in shape and shed those excess pounds. The good news is that you don’t have to diet or starve yourself. Now start looking up healthy recipes combining these foods. 

(B) - Brain Foods, ; (W) - Weight Reduction Foods: (S) - Strong and Healthy Foods
Bean Chocolate (Dark, not Milk Chocolate) (B)(W)
Beans Garbanzo (B) (W)
Beans Black (B)(W)
Beans, White (B) (W)
Beans Kidney (W)
Beans Navy (B)
Beans Pinto (B)
Dairy Eggs Organic DHA enhanced from cage free chickens (S)
Dairy Yogurt Non Fat Greek (S)(B)(W)
Drinks Water. You should be drinking 6 to 8 glasses per day.
Drinks green tea, sage, cinnamon and raw honey in a cup of boiling water
(drink separately or mixed some or all together).
Drinks any Tea
Drinks Red Wine, a glass a day
Drinks Tomato Juice (low salt) – V8 is loaded with salt
Fish Anchovies (B)
Fish Cod (B)
Fish Flounder (B)
Fish Mackerel (B)
Fish Orange Roughy (B)
Fish Salmon, Wild Caught (S)(B)(W)
Fish Sardines (B)(W)
Fish Sole (B)
Fish Tilapia (B)
Fish Trout (B)
Fish Tuna wild or canned light (not Albacore) (S)(B)
Fish-Shellfish Oysters (B)
Fruit Apples (B)(W)
Fruit Apricots – Dried (B)(W)
Fruit Avocado (B)(W)
Fruit Bananas (B)(W)
Fruit Berries Blackberries (B)
Fruit Berries Blueberries (B)
Fruit Berries Gooseberries (B)
Fruit Berries Raspberries (B)
Fruit Capers (B)
Fruit Cherries (W)
Fruit Cranberries, dried (B)
Fruit Cucumber Pickled (B)
Fruit Dates (W)
Fruit Elderberries (W)(S)
Fruit Elderberries (W) (B)
Fruit Grapefruit Pink or Red (B)(W)
Fruit Grapes Red (B)(W)
Fruit Guavas (B)
Fruit Mangoes (B)
Fruit Oranges (B)(W)
Fruit Papaya (B)
Fruit Peaches (B)(W)
Fruit Pears  (W)
Fruit Pears (W)
Fruit Pineapple (W)
Fruit Plantains (B)
Fruit Prunes (B)
Fruit Pumpkin (B)
Fruit Raisins (B)(W)
Fruit Strawberries (B)
Fruit Watermelon (B)(W)
Fruit Wine Red (B)(W)
Grain Rice Bran (B)(W)(S)
Grain Brown Rice (W)(B)
Grain 100% Whole Wheat/Grain Breads, Pasta, and Cereals (B)(W)
Grain Oats - Breakfast Quick Oats (B)
Grain Sprouted Grain Breads (Ezekiel Bread) (W)
Grain Wheat Germ (B)
Grain Quinoa (B)(W)(S)
Herb Dried Basil (B)
Herb Dried Cayenne (B)
Herb Dried Chili Powder (B)
Herb Dried Coriander (B)
Herb Dried Curry (B)
Herb Dried Marjoram (B)
Herb Dried Oregano (B)
Herb Dried Paprika (B)
Herb Dried Red Chili Powder (B)
Herb Dried Sage (B)(W)
Herb Dried Thyme (B)
Herb Green Tea (B)(W)
Herb Tea (All Kinds) (B)
Herb Thyme Fresh (B)
Meat Beef grass-fed lean, Sirloin, Pork Loin & Pork Tenderloin (B)(S) 
Meat Chicken Organic (S)
Meat Lamb Lion (B)
Meat Liver - Chicken and Calf's (B)
Meat Turkey (B)
Nuts Almond Butter (S)(W)
Nuts Almond Milk (S)(W)
Nuts Almond Meal (B)
Nuts Almonds (B)(S)(W)
Nuts Cashews (B)(S)(W)
Nuts Hazel (B)(W)
Nuts Peanuts (B)(S)(W)
Nuts Pecans (B) (W)
Nuts Pistachio (B)(S)(W)
Nuts Walnuts Black (S)(B)(W)
Oil Rice Bran for cooking (B)(S)(W)
Oil Canola for cooking (B)(W)
Oil Olive (B)(W)
Seasoning Fruit Balsamic Vinegar (W)
Seasoning Raw Honey (W)
Seasoning Natural Sweeteners (Stevia, Truvia or Cinnamon) (W)
Seasoning Spice Cinnamon Ceylon True (W)
Seasoning Spike VegeSal (not Salt) (W)
Seeds Chia (S) (W)
Seeds Hemp (B) (S)
Seeds regular popping corn popped in canola oil or air popped (W)
Seeds Sesame (B)
Seeds Sunflower (B)
Veg Artichoke (W)
Veg Asparagus (B)(W)
Veg Beets (B)
Veg Broccoli (B)(W)
Veg Brussels Sprouts (B)
Veg Butternut Squash (B)
Veg Cabbage (B)
Veg Carrots (B)
Veg Carrots cooked (W)
Veg Cauliflower (B)(W)
Veg Celery (W)
Veg Collard Greens (B)
Veg Cucumber (W)
Veg Eggplant (W)
Veg Garlic (B)
Veg Hot Peppers (W)
Veg Kale (B)
Veg Lemongrass (B)
Veg Lentils (B)
Veg Lettuce all varieties especially dark color (W)
Veg Lettuce Romaine (B)
Veg Mustard Greens (B)
Veg Okra (B)
Veg Olives (B)
Veg Onions (B)
Veg Onions Spring (Scallions) (B)
Veg Parsley Fresh (B)
Veg Peas Snow (W)
Veg Peppers all varieties (W)
Veg Potato Baked with Skin (W)
Veg Potato Red with Skin (W)
Veg Potato Sweet with Skin (B)(W)
Veg Spinach (B)(W)
Veg Squash Young Summer (W)
Veg Tomato Catsup (B)
Veg Tomato Juice low salt (B)
Veg Tomato Paste (B)
Veg Tomato Raw (B)(W)
Veg Tomato Salsa (B)
Veg Tomato Sauce (B)(W)
Veg Turnip Greens (B)
Veg Zucchini (W)
On February 25, 2013 the New England Journal of Medicine published startling findings which measured the Mediterranean diet’s effects on heart risks. This major study concluded that 30 percent of heart attacks, strokes and deaths from heart disease can be prevented in people at high risk if they switch to a Mediterranean diet. After close examination of the foods in the Mediterranean diet, I find that they’re all right here in my healthy food plan. In addition to improving your life, my healthy food plan might just save it.


No More Brain Drain, Proven Ways to Maintain Your Mind and Memories,” by Steve Slon, 2009 -  
Healthy Food: 50 Of The Best In The World” -  
The World's Healthiest Foods” -  
Health and Nutrition Letter,” Tufts University News Letter Series
Duke Medicine Health News,” News Letter Series
Harvard Health Letter,” News Letter Series
Consumer Reports on Health,” News Letter Series

Bob Perrine @    


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